Saturday, November 8, 2008


ഇമ ഇന്‍ കാലിഫോര്‍ണിയ രിഘ്റ്റ് നോ ആന്‍ഡ് സോമെതിന്ഗ് വെഇര്ദ് ഇസ് ഹപ്പെനിന്ഗ് ടോ ദ വോര്‍ദ്സ്

1 comment:

Michele said...

Anyways, do you have a project playlist account? well make one. Then click; Add my playlist to my space. a menu will pop u. click blogger or other, which ever is there. then choose a a color and click instant play. then copy the code **the first code** and go to page elements in customize. then click add a gadget. then click HTML/Javascript. then paste the code in content (no title)then it will be there! BYE!!!!

Oh, I called you and no one answered. so call me!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!